Unused Wisconsin Oven SWH Series Heavy-Duty Walk-In Oven – Model SWH-6126.5-G8
Unused- Wisconsin Oven SWH Series Heavy Duty Walk-In Oven, Model SWH-6126.5-G8. Temperature Rating: Maximum 800 degrees F, Normal 700 degrees F, Minimum 290 degrees F above ambient. Temperature Uniformity: +/- 10 degrees F at 700 degrees F. Chamber Dimensions: 6'0" wide x 12'0" long x 6'6" high. Overall (approximate): 10'6" wide x 13'6" long x 11'8" high. Body Construction: Tongue & groove panel assemblies featuring our patented high efficiency panel seams, 6" of 6# density, industrial board type insulation with a 1,200 degrees F service temperature rating; removable 20 gauge 304 stainless steel interior; 20 gauge carbon steel exterior; 12 gauge base and roof trim. Oven Doors: Bi-parting horizontal swing at one (1) end only. Oven Floor: Reinforced insulated floor (2" thick) with 12 gauge wheel guides, and 1/8" of flat gasket under the wheel guides tracks to be 3" wide and centered 30" with the entrance ends. Recirculation: 11,500 CFM @ 15 HP with stainless steel wheel and shaft; belt driven. Exhaust: 1,900 CFM @ 1 HP; with motorized dampers on both the fresh air inlet and exhaust outlet. Heating Equipment: Industrial air heat burner rated at 800,000 BTU per hour. Hang Rails: Stainless steel load bar supports spaced every 18" each to support 25 lbs. Watlow F4T recorder/controller and a Honeywell 4200 paper recorder, 4.3" color touch screen; graphical trending; USB port for downloading data. Utility Requirements: 208 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz, 1,000 BTU per cubic foot at a constant pressure of 2-5 PSIG. New in March, 2024.