Used-Gas-Powered Melting Furnace and Casting Conveyor Machine
Used-Gas-Powered Melting Furnace and Casting Conveyor Machine: North American Construction Services, Ltd., (NACS) Lead Melting Furnace; Furnace melt rate of 44,000 lbs. of a 96% lead / 4% tin alloy in approximately three (3) to four (4) hours; hold molten metal at a working temperature of 700 to 750F, for single shift casting operation; FivesNA natural gas combustion and control system with a maximum heating capacity of 2.7 MM Btu/h input designed in accordance with the relevant sections of NFPA 86, 2015 edition; include (2) gas burners, mounted tangentially in the furnace; Furnace has one (1) heating zone with one (1) furnace thermocouple, one (1) bath thermocouple, and one (1) furnace excess temperature interlock thermocouple. Economy Industrial 7 TPH Lead ingot Casting Machine, Model MC-20 (20 feet in length) will cast seven (7) tons in 60 minutes. The casting machine will have nine (6) inch pith chain. Each mould will cast one (1) 60 lb ingots for a total weight per mould of 60 lbs. drawing will be submitted under separate cover. Automatic control system (PLC) (control caster and hot metal pump at same station), Top cooling sprays connection for future installation, Bottom Cooling sprays. System includes corresponding equipment (customized pumps, working stands, controls, etc).