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Phone: 630-350-2200
Toll Free: 1-800-49-AARON
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Aaron Equipment has a large inventory of used, unused, and reconditioned bins. Industrial bins are heavy-duty containers designed for the storage, handling, and transportation of materials in industrial, commercial, and manufacturing environments. These bins are built to withstand rigorous use, hold large capacities, and resist wear and tear, making them essential for efficient operations in various industries. Types of industrial bins include storage bins, bulk containers, recycling and waste bins, hopper bins, stackable bins, tilt bins, hazardous material bins and food grade bins. Industrial bins are versatile tools that enhance productivity and organization across various industries, making them vital for operations that demand efficient material management. If you are looking to sell your used bins submit a request online or contact Erik Eichert at 630-238-7480.
We pay "Top Dollar" for your idle process equipment! Fill out our form and our buying team will get back to you.
SELL YOUR EQUIPMENTView our entire process equipment inventory online or visit our location for an equipment inspection.
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