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Aaron Equipment Company Shop's Competitive Advantage

The Aaron Equipment Company Shop is located onsite at our headquarters near Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport in Illinois. Encompassing 100,000 square feet, the Aaron Shop is capable of Testing and Complete Reconditioning of most items in our inventory. The Shop is equipped with multiple cranes that are capable of handling up to 30 tons of machinery. Of that expansive space, it is also climate controlled, ensuring an ideal temperature and humidity environment while the equipment is being serviced.

Full service shop


What differentiates Aaron Equipment from its competitors:

  • Full service shop capabilities:
    • cleaning 
    • painting
    • light fabrication
    • welding
    • machining
    • Sub-contractors for heavy machining, fabrication (including ASME code and repair), plating and polishing
  • Experienced mechanics and welders
  • Mechanical engineering (analysis and design)
  • Electrical engineering (repair, modification or new controls)
  • Process engineering

the process and intended use

Levels of work

  • As-is
  • Test
    • motors, gear reducers, other electrics, actuate valves, pneumatic cylinders, hydraulics and heaters
    • Hydro-test, pressure or vacuum holding capability
    • Shell thickness
  • Refurbish*
    • replace seals, gaskets, valve seats, belts, chain
    • replace bearing and gear sets as needed
    • replace or manufacture safety grates, covers and guards
  • Rebuild*
    • Inspection - 1st step for a rebuild is a complete teardown of the machine to evaluate every component:
      • Check shaft runout
      • Shell thickness
      • gear reducer inspection
    • Rebuild will include the repair or replacement of any component as needed
    • Rebuild may include re-polishing surfaces
  • Reengineer*
    • XP motors, controls, spay line, choppers, covers, loading hatch, dimple or open jacketing, nozzles, discharge valves, hydraulics, insulation shrouds, machine base

*All work above the level of refurbish will require a machine hazard analysis (safety evaluation). This can only be determined when considering the application and intended use of the equipment. In addition, to understand the design details such as which elastomers to use for gaskets and seals or what HP is sufficient. We need to understand the chemicals in the process, chemicals used in cleaning, solids and liquid loading, discharge, solids bulk density, viscosity and motor classification. This is no different than the process for new equipment applications.

Mixers, Dryer, Mills and More

Tear Down & Inspection

Provide information concerning the performance of the equipment, problems and maintenance records. Explain what the equipment was originally designed for, what is it now used for and what the future process will be. Help Aaron understand your application. 

  1. Visual inspection of mixer upon receipt
  2. Run motor with drive attached if possible
  3. Steam clean and re-inspect
  4. Measure blade to bowl clearances (sigma, plow) or inspect blades edges for wear (other agitated mixers)
  5. Check external gearing wear, tooth condition and shape
  6. Inspect gear reducer seals for leakage, noise when operating;
    • Inspection of gear through available inspection plants and oil condition (metal filings)
    • Gear reducer teardown and inspection can be performed for additional cost
  7. Disassembly and inspect components as they are removed from mixer including: drive, transfer gears, bearings, packing glands, mixer shafts, mixing elements
  8. Clean individual components
  9. Measure shaft diameters and check runout between centers
  10. Check bowl (trough) and end plate thickness (ultrasonic)
  11. Confirm any suspect alloys with XARA alloy analyzer (X-ray fluorescence)
  12. Use dye penetrant test of shafts and blades as needed
  13. Pressure test jacket at 2X pressure rating and inspect for leakage
  14. Sandblast frame, bowl and external components
  15. The gear reducer will be removed and sent to a local manufacturer of gear reducers for inspection of the gears and seals

Report & Quotation

Scope of work

After teardown and inspection of the equipment, Aaron will provide a detailed report describing the wear and damage, causes if ascertainable and what is proposed for the repair. The time to complete the rebuild will be included along with terms and conditions, and the total cost.

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